Resolutions and Goals in our Writing Lives

You wanna fly, you got to give up the things that weigh you down. -Toni Morrison

The arrival of the new year provides a fresh start, an opportunity to set goals and resolutions, and imagine what is possible. When I think about the things that weigh me down, that keep me from reaching my dreams and goals, the following keep coming up…




                                  DISTRACTIONS (Darn that Britbox and Acorn)

This year as I opened my 2022 Bullet Journal and started planning, Toni Morrison’s words really resonated with me and I thought about how to get rid of the rubbish weighing me down so I could achieve my goals and dreams for this year.

My Ah-ha Moments…

While my mind was flooding with thoughts, I narrowed it down to four practices that I am going to make my focus this year.

1. Identify your roadblocks 
First is roadblock. Reflect on your life and identify the roadblocks that prevent you from working toward your goals. Power is in the knowing because then you can bring about change.

2. Let go of feelings that cause you fear

Secondly are fears. Fear can be a huge roadblock. The fear of failure and sometimes even the fear of success. Instead, try focusing on the project at hand and letting go of the outcome. Stay in the moment and enjoy the process.

3. Give negative thoughts some space
WHAT? I know this sounds contradictory to everything I am saying, but if you give those niggling negative thoughts some space, then you have the power to detach and LET THEM GO! I have a “dump” page in my bullet journal where I write down all the negative thoughts storming my head. Then I shut my book! Just the process of writing down those words gets them out of my headspace, leaving room for creativity to flow.

4. Be kind to yourself
Last is kindness. I have to remember that a well-lived joyful life also comes from balance. So my goals and resolutions extend to also include wellness, relationships, and health. 

So as I wind down my first post for the year, I like to invite you to take time this new year, and reflect on what is weighing you down and think about the steps you will take to overcoming what slows, blocks, and prevents you from focusing on goals and how to achieve them. 



Some reading recommendations:
The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown
Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans


Mindfulness and Creativity Part I


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